Welcome to Parlick Class!
In our class we thrive learning through a creative curriculum approach. We consider the children’s interests and encourage them to flourish and grow, developing confidence and self-belief to help them be the best they can be. Throughout the school year we will post photos and information all about the fun and exciting things we have been learning in class, and in the great outdoors.
Our Spectacular Nativity
‘Born in a Barn’
Our creative Great Fire of London 1666 model houses with moving parts in D.T.
We love our Judo workshops
Our Beautiful Great Fire of London landscapes inspired by Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night
Acting out the events of ‘The Great Fire of London’
Remembrance Day
The Black Plague Assembly
Fire safety with Fireman Dave
Fire Fire- Autumn 2 Topic
We have an exciting history topic this term looking at the big event ‘The Great Fire of London’. Pupils will be learning all about how the fire started and where, also how did it get put out and its effects on the city of London. We have a real firefighter visiting Parlick class to teach them all about fire safety. We will hopefully get very creative and making our own Pudding lane in D.T. and learning about significant people in history like Samuel Pepys. We will be ending our busy term with our KS1 Nativity spectacular! Please see below our learning outcomes for this term and our homework pick n mix tasks.
Science Week
Our wonderful Learning
Feast of St. Francis Day
European Day of Languages
Welcome to Parlick class 2024!
A warm welcome to all our pupils and what an exciting year of learning we have ahead. This term our topic is Great Goosnargh- The place where we live. Pupils will be looking closely at their local area identifying human and physical features. We will be looking at UK weather patterns and exploring the wonderful stories Katie Morag and The Jolly postman. Being the season of creation pupils will be thinking of ways they can care for their common home and do acts of kindness for those around them. Please find below our topic booklet explaining all our areas of learning this term.
End of year trip to Eureka
Our Incredible Learning this term
Robots and Recycling- Summer 2
Wow! I can’t believe we are in our final school term, the year has flown by. This term pupils will be learning the growing development of robots and technology and how they have helped change the world. In class we will be looking at the benefits of recycling and the importance to reduce, recycle and reuse everyday products to help the environment. Pupils will be learning all about features of the human body and the five senses. Pupils will get creative and make a robot with a moving part. To finish off a wonderful year we have booked a very exciting trip to Eureka. Please see below our topic booklet for this term.
Our Brazil Theme Day!
Parlick class have fully immersed themselves into the culture of Brazil today. They have participated in a vibrant carnival mask making art lesson. Had a tasty meal of BBQ chicken, rice and brigadeiro at our Parlick Rio cafe. Then this afternoon they have participated in a samba drum workshop ending the day with a live performance to the whole school. It’s been a Brazilliant day!
Our Fantastic learning this term!
Children have thoroughly enjoyed learning samba rhythms in music, learning all about Brazil and the Amazon Rainforest. They have had a debate about deforestation and made their own rainforest terrariums. Exploring the colourful Brazil artist Beatriz Milhazes and making their own 3D toucan. Not forgetting the pupils amazing poetry, descriptive and information leaflet writing and marvellous measuring and multiplication maths work- Wow!
The Great Outdoors & Rainforest (Summer Term 1)
This term pupils will be learning all about the country Brazil and the Amazon Rainforest. In class we will be looking at the different effects of deforestation on our environment and animals. Pupils will be looking at natural habitats, animal food chains and what they need to survive. Pupils will be exploring the colourful, vibrant culture of Brazil through music, art and geography. Below is this terms topic booklet and homework pick n mix.
Our Big Lent Walk
Science Week!
Our theme this year was time. We carried out a variety of experiments looking at the time of reactions. We made our own cress heads, skittle rainbows and travelling water. Pupils have loved it!
A Glimpse into our amazing learning this term.
World Book Day!
Careers Week!
Pupils thoroughly enjoyed an interactive careers village role playing a variety of careers. Then we had an exciting careers fair led by our amazing parents. What fun the kids have had.
Spring Term 2- Growth and Green Fingers
Welcome to our spring topic Growth and Green fingers. This term pupils will learn about how plants grow and label their parts. They will be fruit tasting and making delicious smoothies. Pupils will have the opportunity to grow their own plant from seed to plant and track it’s growth. In art pupils will explore the beautiful landscapes of Monet and learn to play a simple melody on the Glockenspiel in Music. In Literacy we are being comic creators inspired by the story Jack and the Baked Bean Stalk. In RE whilst learning about LENT we will being thinking about caring for our common home ‘Laudato Si’ and as Catholics how can we help others and look after our planet. Here’s to a wonderful term embracing the outdoors. Please find below our Topic Booklet for this term.
Safety Week!
Pupils have thoroughly enjoyed safety week. They have taken part in a variety of safety workshops such as; Online safety, Road safety, Home safety, Keeping our bodies clean, First Aid, Fire Safety, Stranger Danger and Pantsaurus.
Clitheroe Castle Trip
Pupils had lots of fun at Clitheroe Castle taking part in sword training, dragon hunting, building castles and story telling- A wonderful jam packed day!
Our creative curriculum Friday’s
Using drama to retell stories in RE
Exploring the properties of materials in Science.
Storytelling Week!
Spring Term 1- Family Album
This term pupils will be learning about what makes a family. We will get in touch with our St Francis pen pals in Kenya and learn about how different families and life styles and homes across the world are similar and different to ours at St. Francis. In Science we will be looking at a variety of everyday materials and their purpose. In History we will be looking at changes within our living memory e.g. toys, music, transport and communications. We also have an exciting trip planned to Clitheroe castle to inspire exciting writing in our traditional fairy tales study in Literacy. Not forgetting pupils favourite interactive hands on learning during Safety week! Please see below our topic booklet for this term.
Our Spectacular Nativity
‘A Miracle in Town’
Pupils planning and leading collective worship in our outside reflective area and in class. Themes of “Love thy neighbour” and ‘Our Mother Mary’
Children in Need
Embracing our Fighting fit topic
Pupils have been learning about the human life cycle and how exercise keeps our bodies healthy. We also had a very special visit from a real life nurse Kirsty who shared her role as a nurse in a hospital with all the pupils.
Capturing the pupils imagination
Parlick class have had a wonderful immersive two weeks in class with our special visit from Florence Nightingale, Remembrance Day, Judo workshop not forgetting their amazing Fairy tale dramas.
Fighting Fit and Florence Nightingale
(Autumn Term 2 Topic Booklet)
This term we will be looking at the life of ‘Florence Nightingale’ and what influence she had in improving the standard of hospitals we have today. Pupils will be learning about a healthy diet and what the ‘eat well’ plate looks like and how exercise keeps us fit and healthy. Pupils will be participating in Judo workshop this term and will be busy putting together our magical Nativity performance. Our leading ethical questions this term help pupils think and care for others and as Catholics how we can help those in need especially at Christmas time. Children will be learning the Nativity story and how special the birth of Jesus was and how it gave people love and hope.
Harvest Celebration
Pupils thoroughly enjoyed taking part in our Harvest music service and donated lovely contributions to the food bank to help others. As well as Harvest pupils have shown little acts of kindness for Little Way Week and raised money for the Red Cross appeal.
A glimpse into our active classroom
Welcome to a Parlick Class 2023/24
A warm welcome to our new Year 1’s and a great to see you back Year 2’s. We have lots of exciting learning this term and we welcome our Season of Creation. Our topic this term is ‘Animal Antics’. Pupils will be looking at animal structures and grouping animals based on their features. We will be exploring animals that live in hot and cold climates as well as looking at seasonal changes and weather patterns in the UK. Our Ethical Questions focus on caring for animals and our common home. Pupils will learn the story of creation and how we can be stewards of God looking after our beautiful world. Please find below our Curriculum topic booklet and our homework menu for this term.
A wonderful glimpse into our fantastic learning
Summer 2 Term ‘Lancashire Seaside’
This term pupils will be learning all about our local Lancashire seaside focussing on Blackpool. They will be comparing the local seaside town from the Victorian era to present day learning what has changed and what has stayed the same. Pupils will learning all about plastic pollution and how they can save our oceans and sea life. In Literacy we will cover a variety of seaside theme stories e.g. Billy’s Bucket and The Lighthouse keepers lunch. Pupils will enjoy poetry, instructional writing, explanation text and narratives. In science we will be exploring different materials and utilising our wonderful outdoors to work scientifically carrying out fun STEM challenges. We hope to take a school trip to a Blackpool to help litter pick and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Please find below this terms topic booklet and homework menu.
A snap shot of our amazing learning this term
Summer Term 1 ‘Wind in the Willows’
This term pupils will be reading the well known novel ‘The wind in the willows’. We will be looking at the beautiful vocabulary used and discussing characters personalities and life choices which are linked to our topic’s ethical questions about individual liberty and money. In science we will be learning about food chains and animal habitats, creating our own micro habitat in the millennium area. Pupils will be learning new skills in D.T by designing and sewing their very own Mr Toad waistcoat. Please see below for our curriculum topic objectives.
Our extraordinary end to our farming topic!
Pupils enjoyed a wonderful trip to Bowland park where they met all the interesting animals, a tractor ride and playing in the great outdoors. Then we had some special visitors visit our school a beautiful baby lamb and calf.
Science Week!
We have ran with our theme this year ‘connections’. Pupils have enjoyed working scientifically and getting hands on with nature. We have explored soil and planted pants to discover living organisms in the soil. Carried out a seed investigation wondering if the bigger the seed the bigger the plant? Not forgetting our science skills of carrying out a fair test and making predictions. We will track the growth of our seeds over the next coming months… I wonder which one will grow the tallest?
Fruit-tactic learning!
Parlick class have embraced our D.T. topic this term tasting a variety of fruits and describing their texture and taste. Then using their findings to design their own fruit skewers. Pupils then had the opportunity to use their cutting skills to chop up their favourite fruit and create their delicious fruit skewers. We then finished off our wonderful project with a step by step written set of instructions in Literacy. What a wow week!
Careers Week
Parlick class have loved our special visitors into school for careers week. We looked at careers in Art and farming have taken part in a textile workshop and riding a tractor. Pupils have also learnt all about a career in medicine having a paediatric doctor and public health specialist lead an interactive assembly. A huge big thank you to our incredible parent volunteers.
Forest School Day!
Children have thoroughly enjoyed a wonderful day in the great outdoors. They have built dens, created clay creatures, carried out a mini beast hunt, storytelling and finished the day toasting their marshmallows around the fire.
World Book Day!
A wonderful day filled with reading, writing and the love of books… not forgetting the amazing costumes.
Spring Term 2- The Farm Shop
This term pupils will be embracing the great outdoors and getting green fingered planting and growing their own vegetables. They will observe how plants grow and what they need to survive and stay healthy. Also pupils will be learning about where our food comes from and understand the ‘Eat well’ plate and know the different food groups that keep our bodies healthy. The pupils will also enjoy hands on experiences chopping and preparing fruit skewers in DT and enrich their learning with Science week and careers week, not forgetting our forest school and farming experience days. Below is our Topic booklet and homework menu for this term.
Our African Song Performance
Parlick class have thoroughly enjoyed exploring music from around the world and loved learning an African song ‘Siyahumba’ in our music lessons this term. We performed our song in our school’s music concert at the end of term for Parents.
Safety Week
What a fantastic week Parlick have had! Our week has been jam-packed with every element of safety. Pupils have learnt how to keep themselves safe around the home, outside, stranger danger, online, personal hygiene, road safety, water safety and first aid. What made it extra special was our amazing visitors the ambulance service and Lifeboat service to give our pupils informative and interactive workshops.
Our Incredible trip to Manchester’s Science and Industry museum. Pupils have learnt and explored so much!
A fantastic start to 2023 in Parlick Class
Spring Term 1 Explorers
This term pupils are learning all about famous explorers in particular Neil Armstrong. They will learn all about our beautiful solar system and discover the awe and wonder of our planet Earth and how we can look after it. Pupils will learn how to locate and name the seven continents and 5 oceans of the world. Pupils will develop their literacy skills through the wonderful stories ‘Bob Man on the Moon’ and ‘Bob and the Moon tree mystery’ We have safety week towards the end of the term and a fantastic trip planned to Manchester Science and Industry museum to look forward to. Please find below our topic booklet and homework menu for this term.
Our spectacular KS1 Nativity and Christmas Dinner
Our Immersed learning
An insight to our interactive learning about our topic the Great Fire of London. Pupils enjoyed learning all about how the Great Fire of London started and how it got put out. Pupils built their own 1666 houses in D.T and wrote detailed diaries about the events of the Great Fire of London, not forgetting a special visit from Fireman Dave teaching us all about fire safety.
Pennies for Pudsey- Children in Need
Our Interactive Learning with Thomas Farriner
Autumn Term 2- Fire Fire
This term pupils will be learning all about the ‘Great Fire of London’ and how to keep ourselves safe around fire. We will be looking at Samuel Pepys a significant person in British history and learning all about the timeline of events of the Great Fire of London and how the city of London has changed since 1666 to present day. We are hopefully having some special visitors visit Parlick class linked to our fantastic topic and not forgetting our spectacular KS1 Christmas Nativity at the end of the term- what a fun-filled, enriching term we have ahead. Please find below our Fire Fire topic booklet and homework menu for this term.
A wonderful glimpse into our topic Great Goosnargh
Children have thoroughly enjoyed exploring the outdoors and appreciating their school environment. We have been looking at human and physical features around our school and learning about how our school has changed over time. Children have thoroughly enjoyed learning all about the celebration of Diwali and researching inspirational black musicians through the decades for black history month. We have also taken part in a number of fund raising events to help others.
Space Week 2022
Children have been learning all about ‘Space and Sustainability’. They created space rockets, shaving foam marble effect Earth pictures showing pollution around our Earth and wrote fantastic space poems.
Welcome back everyone!
A lovely warm welcome to our new Year 1’s and a it’s great to see our enthusiastic year 2’s eager to learn. We have a wonderful year ahead full of fun, interactive learning with our exciting topics. We kick start our year with our topic Great Goosnargh- The place where we live. Within this topic pupils will learn all about mapping and be able to spot physical and human features in the picturesque Goosnargh landscape as well as observing daily weather patterns. Pupils will be reading the beautiful stories of Katie Morag and the Jolly postman in Literacy. Please see below this terms topic booklet and homework menu for more information.
Our snap shot of our fantastic learning
Pupils have thoroughly enjoyed exploring their senses and studying stories books about Robots. They have also designed and made their own robots using Lego coding.
Summer term 2 – Robots & Recycling
This term pupils will be exploring the amazing evolution of technology and robotics that have helped shape the world we live in today. They will learn about the importance of reduce, recycle and reuse products to help the environment. In science pupils will be labelling the human body parts and learning all about the five senses. Pupils will enjoy listening to a variety of robot themed stories which will inspire them to write their own fantasy setting story based on their own 3D robot model. Below is this terms topic booklet and homework menu.
Our colourful Rainforest & Brazil classroom display
The children have worked extremely hard this term and here is a snap shot of our amazing learning in science, topic, art and literacy.
Our funtastic Brazilian theme day!
We have been learning pulse and rhythm in music and exploring the rhythms of Samba using different percussion instruments.
Prayer & Liturgy
Pupils have enjoyed planning and leading their own prayer and liturgy’s in class our themes have been; God is a friend, God is the root, God is beauty and God is a promise.
Summer 2 Topic- Great Outdoors and The Rainforest
What an exciting topic we have this term! Pupils will be learning all about animals and their habitats and looking at the country Brazilian and exploring it’s wonderful Amazon Rainforest. We will explore the effects of deforestation and how it has a huge impact on our climate change and animal habitats. Pupils will learn all about the wonderful vibrant country Brazil and the energetic sounds of Samba! Below is our Topic booklet for this term and our Homework Menu.
Our Reflection walk for Ukraine
Class Worship
Parlick class joined our St. Francis family Parishioners for a mass in church led by Father Sony. Year 2 pupils did fantastic leading the readings in mass.
Our Fabulous Farm Trip To Ridgeway Farm
The pupils had lots of fun learning all about spring on the farm looking at plants and how they grow, feeding the animals and exploring the farm land searching for habitats and minibeasts.
Our fabulous learning across the curriculum
Our Amazing Author Visit
Children were in awe of the amazing Dan Worsley. His spectacular story telling inspired them all to be wonderful, imaginative writers.
Spectacular Science Week!
Pupils got very scientific and learnt all about plants and what they need to grow. We collaborated with Year 3 & 4 and went on a minibeast hunt around our school grounds. In class we carried out a celery experiment and grew our own silly cress heads. Pupils enjoyed hands on learning and exploring nature.
Careers Week
Mr and Mrs Foy and Dr Gunn visited our school to share their exiting careers with Parlick Class. It enabled pupils to have aspirations and dreams for the future.
World Book Day!
Our Spring Term 2 Topic Growth and Green Fingers.
Pupils will be exploring the great outdoors and learning all about plants. How they grow, what they need to survive and label parts of a plant. We will explore the wonderful art work of Monet and his beautiful botanical garden paintings as well as having lots of fun creating our Hack and the baked bean stalk comic books. Please see below our topic booklet and homework menu.
A snap shot of our fabulous learning this term.
Parlick has studied the artist Amedeo Modigliani and created their own portraits in the artists style.
We’ve been learning all about Catholic celebrations and what it means to be part of God’s family. Parlick visited church to look at symbols and traditions used during Baptism.
Parlick Class Liturgy
Safety Week!
Wow! What a week we have had. The children have learnt so much from interactive, engaging fun workshops. Pupils have learnt all about safety around the home, first aid, personal hygiene, stranger danger, road safety, hand washing, Pantosaurus and online safety. Definitely a week to remember!
D.T. & Literacy
Pupils had lots of fun decorating biscuits inspired by the story Hansel and Gretel and writing a set of instructions for big write.
Our Royal Family Inspired Art Work
Parlick class have been working together to create a collaborative art pieces for our class display about portraits, can’t wait to see the pupils final self-portraits. We also created a beautiful family tree to inspire our family album topic.
In our P.E. Lessons Parlick class have been perfecting their balancing, stretching, travelling and jumping skills. Working in groups Parlick class performed their own gymnastic routines.
Our fabulous trip to Lancaster Castle
Spring Term 1 Family Album
This term pupils will be learning about what makes a family. We will get in touch with our St Francis pen pals in Kenya and learn about how different families and life styles and homes across the world are similar and different to ours at St.Francis. In Science we will be looking at a variety of everyday materials and their purpose. In History we will be looking at changes within our living memory e.g. toys, music, transport and communications. We also have an exciting trip planned to Lancaster castle to inspire exciting writing in our traditional fairy tales study in Literacy. Below is this terms topic booklet and homework menu.
Our Miracle in Town!
Kick starting our Florence Nightingale topic with a virtual visit and light up display
Fighting Fit and Florence Nightingale Autumn 2
This term pupils will be learning all about the life and works of Florence Nightingale and the impact she has had on nursing and hospitals today. Pupils will also be looking at how we keep our bodies healthy with a balanced diet, exercise and good hygiene. They will also be learning the stages of human growth from baby to adult. Please see below our Fighting Fit/Florence Nightingale topic booklet at homework menu for this term.
Exciting Writing and our fabulous penguins
Parlick class have worked extremely hard in their first term back. They have produced wonderful pieces of exciting writing all to to with our Animal Antics Topic, we have letters, penguin adventure stories and post cards. They have also been very busy creating delightful clay penguins and mesmerising hot/cold gradient art pictures- what a jam packed term we have had!
Our Amazing Art work!
Children used gradients of paint to produce hot and cold climate paintings.
Space Week!
Parlick class had lots of fun during space week. They created shaving foam and paint planets, wrote a fact file about a new discovered planet, made moon dust, created Neil Armstrong tableaux’s with play dough, cosmic yoga and many more. A very fun-filled week celebrating women in space.
Following in Jesus footsteps
Parlick class have embraced caring for others and giving to those who need help and support. Parlick class have astounded me with their amazing generosity for Lancaster Animal Care and Macmillan Cancer support cake sale. So proud of you all!
Diving into our topic…
Parlick class have thoroughly enjoyed our topic lessons learning about hot and cold countries and the seven continents, as well as learning all about animal welfare with our special visitor Michael Jones from Lancaster Animal Care.
A snap shot of our fantastic learning so far…
Welcome Back!
Wow! What a fantastic first week back we have had in Parlick Class. Our new Year 1’s have settled in marvellously and our Year 2’s have been amazing role models. Pupils have dived into their learning and worked very hard. I am very excited for our wonderful year ahead. Our topic this term is Animal Antics, pupils will be looking at animals that live in hot/cold countries, animal characteristics and how we can care and look after God’s creatures. Please see below our Topic booklet which explains what our learning objectives are for this term and our homework menu pick a mix. We have a special visitor that is coming to our class next week, look out for photo’s.
A snap shot of our amazing learning this term…
Parlick class have been very busy writing seaside themed narratives, learning about materials, making waterproof umbrellas and thinking of ways we can save our oceans. Please see the photos below of all the outstanding work that has happened this term.
Summer 2 Term- Lancashire Seaside
Welcome to our final term this year. We have lots of exciting lessons planned all about the Seaside and Oceans. Our Ethical questions are a big focus this term looking at plastic pollution in our oceans and the effect it has on our environment and animals. We will utilise the glorious sunshine this summer and take advantage of our wonderful outdoor areas for our daily lessons and enrich the pupils learning. We will be looking at properties of materials in science and creating our own seaside art work using a variety of materials in art. Please see below our curriculum overview booklet for this term and all the curriculum coverage.
Mr Toad’s waist coat
Parlick class have thoroughly enjoyed their D.T. project designing, sewing and decorating their very own Mr Toad waist coat. The class have produced some fabulous designs here are a few examples of the amazing artistic skills.
Let’s get down with nature!
Parlick class have been learning all about habitats in science and wanted to have a go at building their own micro-habitats in our millennium area. Fantastic team work and super builders!
Our Amazing art work inspired by Henry Rousseau
Exploring music through our bodies
Our Year 2 musicians
Our Year 2 pupils were very excited to have their first recorder lesson with Mr Warren.
Meeting our new school pets!
Comic Relief- The masked Joker
Understanding Pitch
In music we have been learning about pitch, how to recognise high sounds and low sounds. We used our voices and then explored pitch on the glockenspiels.
Science Week!
We had lots of fun being scientists this week investigating acids and alkalines and understanding how a rain clouds work.
Our spectacular Great Fire of London work
Fire! Fire!
Wow! What a spectacular day Parlick class have had! We had a special visitor Fireman Dave to talk to us about fire safety then we recreated our very own Great Fire of London. The children watched with awe and excitement as their houses blazed in the wind showing how the fire spread in London all those years ago in 1666. An extraordinary end to our fabulous topic The Great Fire of London.
Our finished 1666 houses
Design Technology
Parlick class have been very creative in class constructing their very own 1666 houses. The next stage is painting them.
We’re going on a shape hunt
Year 1’s having been learning 2D shapes this week, they had lots of fun being detectives finding them all around school.
Children in Need fun!
Parlick class had lots of fun today taking part in lots of Children in Need activities. We started the day wearing our spectacular spotty outfits. The pupils then took part in a Joe Wicks 24 hour workout, followed by an exciting virtual duck race. We were amazed at the wonderful entries for the talent contest, we have a very talented class of artists, magicians, dancers, singers, gymnasts and many more! Superb effort everyone!
Remembrance Day
Pupils have created a beautiful wreath of hand sewn poppies, and a silhouette of a soldier to commemorate Remembrance Day. Pupils wrote lovely thoughtful prayers to go with it. We also went around the school to view other classes beautiful work to celebrate Remembrance Day.
Fire, Fire!
Our fantastic Great Fire of London display!
Mrs Tyrer has completely blown us all away this week and made a wonderful Great Fire of London display for the classroom. This is to get us ready for our exciting new topic, Fire, Fire! Pupils will be learning all about the historical events of the Great Fire of London through fun and interactive activities. Pupils have already started to design their own 1666 houses in D.T. to build into our very own Parlick Class Pudding Lane. We have lots more exciting learning ahead!
The Jolly Postman and other People’s letters
Parlick class have thoroughly enjoyed this story, learning all about different types of letters and narrative writing. Year 2’s produced some wonderful Cinderella story books presented in beautiful envelopes dressed in ribbon. The Year 1’s produced some delightful Goldilocks and the Three Bears story books as well as some very thoughtful wolf sorry letters to the Three Little Pigs for blowing their houses down. Year 1’s wowed me with their amazing sewing skills making their very own postman satchels to put their letters in. We just had to present Parlick’s super work on our school corridor display for all to see.
Black History Month
In Parlick class we have combined Black History Month with our music lessons. We had lots of fun looking at influential black music artists through the decades going from Ella Fitzgerald to Beyoncé. We had lots of fun appreciating the amazing music by these artists and couldn’t resist a little dance in class. As well as influential black artists, we learnt about Nelson Mandela’s life and all the work he did to give him worldwide status in fighting for black people’s rights. We finished our lesson by playing our new percussion instruments to the song “Free Nelson Mandela”, finding the beat and rhythm.