A great start to the year…and an MP visit…
Welcome back to a very happy new school year.
We hope that you have all had a peaceful Christmas and we wish you all well for the new year ahead.
Hope is very much the theme around school because we are in a Jubilee Year and there will be many wonderful things going on in school to celebrate, including working alongside our Diocese and other schools to mark the special occasion…
Today, we welcomed our local MP Maya Ellis to our school. Maya helped to give out certificates in assembly and she came to speak to our school council and the children in Fairsnape Class about local issues and youth social action, alongside fundamental British Values. It was fantastic to have Maya with us and listen to our views. Thank you very much for coming to visit us!
In and around school, great learning is taking place. It is such a joy to see the children popping to our office showing their amazing work.
We have lots of exciting things to look forward to this term: Safety week with mental health and wellbeing focuses, mini-medics, fire safety talks, ambulance talks, online safety scams focus, National Storytelling week, Ash Wednesday, World Book Day, Lent, Jubilee Year of Hope, National Careers Week Fair, British Science Week and much more! We are also looking forward to our Glee club performing at Goosnargh Village Hall on Saturday 1st March for the Showtime Event.
Pre-School and Reception Class have linked together to share stories they have written…an erupting volcano has also caused some amazement!
Nursery and Pre-School children have been enjoying the RSPB Big Bird Watch. I have heard that the children haven’t managed to see too many birds because the children call so loudly for them, causing the birds to fly away! Lovely outdoor learning!
Parlick Class are enjoying the Space Explorers topic and they enjoyed coming together with Reception Class to learn about Chinese New Year. Lots of outdoor maths work has been undertaken and the children have had a great couple of weeks…
Super scientists in Fairsnape…and beautiful art work.
Beacon Class have also been busy with sketchbooks in Art lessons and they are in the middle of an amazing topic based around ‘Pig Heart Boy’.
More will follow on this next week…
Have a lovely weekend all