Multimodal Writing
We want children to enjoy writing as much as possible. Our approach to writing is creative and it enables children to produce high quality pieces of writing in a cross curricular way. We love to link our writing projects to art and D.T. The children just keep adding the pages with masking tape, treasure tags or split pins. Have a look at some of our pictures below…
Here, we made toad a new waistcoat, wrote alternative verse to the duck’s ditty, wrote to the local MP about recycling and sent our poems to an author. We wrote our own Titanic flashbacks, spider poems and much more!
We teach English explicitly every morning but we love to explore other genres in other topics and lessons. The children all have an ‘exciting writing’ bookmark. We use these in all lessons so the children know what their individual targets are and can be reminded when needed; this greatly supports their personalised learning. The targets change and evolve all the time as they are achieved and we move on. Teachers write targets for improvement on the individual laminated bookmarks and so do friends-not leaving out the children themselves, who are trained to appraise their own work against clear success criteria. Writing takes the form of pop up books, shape books and lap books.
World Book Day
Exciting Writing…and it really is!
Speaking and Listening
Reading and writing are a feature of most lessons. We place great emphasis on children becoming confident speakers and use every opportunity to develop children’s speaking and listening skills through giving them ownership and purpose of tasks and starting drama activities such as freeze framing, hot seating and role play from Reception class onward.
Our children speak in public, take part in productions and show visitors around school. The children are used to performing in concerts, which are exceptional, and they have a huge talent for performing arts. We have a professional sound system with head microphones and three quarters of the school plays an instrument.
We seize every opportunity to develop children’s speaking and listening skills.
We love to perform in assemblies. Have a look at our Oliver pictures below-it was an incredible start to our Friday morning assembly!
Spotlight_St Francis