Space Week, Bright Futures, canal boats and the arts…
As we come to the end of this half term, we have many things to celebrate.
We have had many sporting championships, a focus on careers, a canal boat trip, a harvest concert to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Research, a food bank collection, KS2 parliament assembly with St.Mary’s and a super space week. Across school, we have been focusing on Black History month and we have reflected on our Gospel values through our Season of Creation learning.
Well done Beacon Class for creating such beautiful dragon eyes. Have a look at the pictures below to see the children on their exciting canal boat trip.
Thank you to Mr Warren , children and all of the team for another lovely concert. It was brilliant to have so many families and friends joining us and raising money for Macmillan cancer relief.
Our Space Week was ‘out of this world’ and the children delivered superb space presentations to the whole school.
All KS2 children across St.Francis’ and St.Mary’s enjoyed a virtual parliament assembly to prepare us for our school parliament week from the 18-24th November. Mrs Dodgson works as the senior education and engagement officer within UK parliament and the children.
We know that many primary schools ask children about their hopes and aspirations for the future. This year, to coincide with the 10th anniversary of Primary Futures, we want to celebrate and showcase what children aspire to and capture their creativity and imagination. In partnership with the NAHT, we are inviting primary schools across the country to get involved, asking their children to draw a picture of what they want to be when they grow up – it is as simple as that! (Primary Futures 2024)
As part of this competition, we asked all children from Reception Class to draw a pictures of what they would like to be when they grow up. The art work has now formed three beautiful displays in the school hall. It has been wonderful to see what the children aspire to be- I am sure they will get there!
We wish you all a lovely half term break