VR, History Day and a ‘fast’ sea urchin…
…and don’t forget to add some enchanted forests and a reading shed!
Well, I’m going to start with the installation of our very own coral reef tank. Following the launch of Beacon Class seaside topic with the rockpool day and then the visit to the beach, writing letters to the local MP about plastic pollution, sending poems to a sea poet, having a virtual visit from a marine biologist and composing their own sea shanties, it seemed natural that we would install a tank for the whole school to see.
The tank, full of interesting creatures, is just outside my office door and it has been fascinating listening to the children discussing what the creatures look like, how they eat and how they move. The little crab is always popular and it’s quite comical in the way it goes about its business. The shrimp is always very busy and the fish are beautiful. It is the urchin that causes the most wonder. For a creature that appears to be still, you can walk past the tank one moment and then it has disappeared the next. It is also collecting debris from the bottom of the tank and wears an old crab claw and various stones on its body- very interesting!
Our KS2 VR day was brilliant. I tried the VR goggles on myself and was amazed to be in the sea looking at dolphins. Unfortunately, I missed the shark cage diving but the children loved it! This linked with topics the children were currently engaged in…
History day was brilliant. Mr McGill had arranged for Ruby red slippers to come into school for a fun packed day. Reception Class learned about the meaning of history, Parlick Class learned about Victorians, Fairsnape learned about Tudors and Beacon Class enjoyed a Shakespeare workshop.
I am pleased to be able to show you the finished reading shed. The duck and her ducklings have finally left the shed so I have been able to (finally) prepare this for the love of books. The one thing about painting is that you always find something else to paint too and we have a reading bench next to the reading shed. It will have fully dried by tomorrow and it will be furnished with books, cushions, story spoons and puppet baskets- the children will love using this at break times!
Fairsnape Class have become incredibly immersed in the world of Enid Blyton and the children have made fairy, elf and gnome lands outdoors but they have been creating beautiful displays indoors, which are eye-catching to say the least…
Well done children for all the amazing work from all classes-you are all little stars.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!