Numbers, chickens and seascapes…
It has been a great week and a great day. The week has been filled with variety and creativity and all things bright and beautiful.
NSPCC Number Day has been fantastic-thank you for the donations. The children have been engaged in outdoor active maths and what what a fun time they had.
I don’t really need to say too much this week because I think the pictures speak for themselves but I have been in awe of the quality of the art work produced, yet again, and the writing from the children in both KS2 classes has been outstanding. Some of the Year 4 children had a bit of a disaster, which was my own fault, because I thought it would be nice to read their rainforest stories outside. It turned out to be very windy and there were chameleon pages blowing all over the place but this didn’t stop me from reading every single story and they were great!
Mrs Rossall has entered the children in for another art competition and the Year 1 and 2 class have created stunning jungle paintings in the style of Rousseau-wow!
We have welcomed Lavy and Pink to our school family. They reside in Cluckingdom Palace, next to the guinea pigs, and what a happy pair of hens they are! They are called Lavy and Pink because one is lavender colour and the other is pink, although she is more salmon now and one of the children suggested that maybe we should name her Salmon. I’m not too sure that Lavy and Salmon have the same ring to the duo’s names. Another suggestion was Pom and Pom to reflect their ‘pom pom’ style tail feathers. I don’t think they would respond the same to Pom Pom collectively so we are sticking with Lavy and Pink!
We had a duck incident today-the duck who enjoys freely walking in and out of school interrupted a drumming lesson going on in the hall and it caused quite a scene when trying to usher it back out to the playground. Trying to find food and water in the nursery outdoor area was difficult but I have been told it is a regular visitor in the nursery and it didn’t really bother anybody too much! It has made a nest with a single egg and it is now very pleased to be fed chicken food, courtesy of Lavy and Pink. The children are loving the animal area at the pod-who wouldn’t!
Displays in classrooms are stunning and they really reflect the quality of teaching and learning going on. We are linking with a poet, who writes poems about the sea and landscapes and she will be reading Beacon Class poems very soon. The children are immersed in the seaside topic and they are soon to be going to the beach to collect plastic pollution and observe the impact this has. They will litter pick and revisit the same area at a later date to monitor the changes over time.
The rock pool roadshow was excellent and all classes loved the sea creatures; we are looking to install our own tank to link in with the topic.
Have a lovely weekend!