Multimodal writing, tennis champions and super science!
I absolutely love our school displays! Below, you will see the new waistcoats for toad created by Year 1 and 2 children. I really enjoyed reading the children’s stories and their little boat poems in the style of ‘Duck’s Ditty’ and ‘The Owl and the Pussycat’-the children just keep on writing and writing and adding the pages of paper as they go.
Beacon Class have been creating their own sea shanties and their own flashback Titanic tales-obviously using Titanic boat templates-and they are amazing! The emotive language is just wonderful and I love how they have combined poetry, flashback stories, letters to an MP and recycling campaigns to help and learn about the environment. The rock pool roadshow really inspired the children and they were amazed how much plastic pollution they found at the beach. Something exciting is going to be installed in the school entrance for all children to observe and take care of next half term- I won’t say anything else until it arrives!
A HUGE congratulations to our Fairsnape Class tennis champions of Preston small schools-well done!
Reception Class have joined Fairsnape Class in their amazing science investigations and they have certainly had some volcano fun! I could hear the laughter from the amphitheatre and I’m glad I went to investigate. As I tried to take a picture, Mr McGill told me that I had come at the right time because he was trying to fend off the duck and her ducklings from walking into the classroom. It was too late and I couldn’t get to the classroom quick enough-this is what happened…
Well done to Fairsnape Class for their incredible presentations on seed dispersal. All children spoke with such knowledge and confidence and it was clear to see that they had spent care and time on creating such informative powerpoints and resources.
We all wish you a lovely half term break. Take care.