Leaflets available from school
Leaflets on esafety advice for you and your child are available from the entrance to our school. Please feel free to take some or ask in school for support if you have any concerns at all. We can offer you advice on parental controls and other ways in which you can keep your child safe online and when using social media. We hold annual Internet safety safeguarding workshops for parents but please pop in and see us for advice if you have any concerns at all. We are always happy to help.
On this page you will be able to explore e-safety sites – please look at the links below where you will find age appropriate content for you to look at with your child.
1. Parent-Guardian Online Radicalisation Information and Support
St Francis AUP for children and parental agreement letter
Thinkuknow eSafety website for infant children
Thinkuknow eSafety website for junior children
UK Safer Internet Centre – Parental support website for keeping children safe.
Vodafone Digital Parenting online magazine
How to use parental controls online
Here are some more links to websites aimed at children, through different ages, and parents.