From what seemed such an abrupt end to what was such a lovely half term, we find ourselves positive and in a new phase of our lives.
I have been seeing the wonderful responses from our children on Seesaw and the many examples of dedication, love and care from our staff. Parents, Families and friends, you are doing an incredible job at home and we recognise how this period of adjustment will affect every one of you but I do believe that our world will be stronger on the other side.
The above poem highlights what we can achieve and what we must focus on.
I am attaching a CAFOD powerpoint for reflection. This was used in school when Pope Francis communicated his encyclical urging us to care for our common home. We hear how Jesus healed through Miracles and He even raised the dead. Lazarus was an example of this. Let us look at the world with appreciation, kindness and fresh eyes.
you will also see some pictures of our last day together. Agadoo Day will be a day we will never forget in school …we are still a close community, even when we are not together.
This week, try learning and singing ‘Lord of the Dance’- an uplifting song as we head towards Easter.
Children, keep going with the home learning tasks- you are all amazing and we can’t wait to see you back in school as soon as possible.