JULY 2021 Fab trips, move up days and do…
What a lovely treat to have the ice-cream van in school. The sun was shining and all was pleasant then, as the children were lining up excitedly to wait their turn, Mr Gilmour did something that I have never seen him do before-he developed some kind of tunnel vision and he only saw the ice-cream van and the man through the window of the van as he rushed to the front of the line to ask if there were any Fabs! I haven’t had a Fab in years but Mr Gilmour obviously is fond enough of them to make the children wait for their ice-cream! A lovely afternoon was had by all-the nursery children seemed to use the ice-creams as messy play but there we are-it was great!
The reading shed has lights and the children love it! We have filled it with books and bean bags and it is a real place to read for pleasure.
Sports day was a treat and the children were amazing. We look forward to having families and friends with us next year. I know you have been sent many pictures via Seesaw for you to enjoy.
Hothershall Lodge was awesome and the children showed such determination and teamwork as they completed activities they had never completed before.
The light up cams are now finished and they are amazing-Beacon Class parents, you will be amazed at the skill and quality of these creations.
Well done to all of our new starters, who have smiled in their new classrooms with parties and bravery! The new Reception children have enjoyed two moving up mornings and they were brilliant as always.
From all of us at St.Francis’, we wish you a wonderful summer break.