Eye’m Watching You…
No, my spelling hasn’t deteriorated- I am still on the theme of eyes. Beacon Class are absolutely amazing us with their incredible art work and I can’t wait to show you a picture of the finished display (when Mrs. Rossall and Mrs. Riley are finally happy with it)!
The clay dragon eyes are beautiful and they sit proudly next to some great stories the children have written- I particularly like the stick spines and descriptive language! Mrs Rossall tells me that she has contacted an artist, who specialises in the drawing and painting of eyes, and she is waiting to hear back from her. She has sent her the children’s sketches to look at-fingers crossed we hear back for some professional feedback!
The children continue to shine brightly and we are marching on with enthusiasm. I can’t do much in terms of being with the children and bobbing in and out of classes so I observe from a distance. Last week, I had to resort to contacting Fairsnape class through the outside window near church because the car park was eerily quieter than usual. As we stood on car park duty, Mrs B-M and I had wondered where all the children were. We waited and waited and it had already reached 9.00am-by this point I was getting concerned that there could have been a local traffic issue. It seemed that we hadn’t realised that all of the children had come in because we were busy chatting away and discussing big things like making acorn elf hats using the acorns that had fallen from the tree in the car park!
This week has been space week, with a satellite focus, and I love all of the amazing creations. The ‘Old El Paso’ recycled packs have been put to good use on some of the children’s projects and I can see how much effort has been put into the Science topic.
The classrooms really celebrate the children’s work and our Reception Class children are absolutely loving being busy and creative.
One of the class members was quite upset with me today because I hadn’t gone back into class yesterday when I had told them I would. Mr.McGill was going to film the children singing a Harvest song for you too see on Seesaw but we decided to take the production of the song to another level. Yes…this involves a green screen and the outside amphitheatre. We are recording on Monday so you will have a lovely treat to look forward to next week.
Every day this week, Mr. Gilmour and I have been trying to film my latest story-The Runaway Pea. I thought it would be nice to read the story, which came free from The BookTrust for all Reception children. Unfortunately, it has been one of those weeks where we have just not got round to it but we have found out how to use a green screen App. When I asked Mr. Gilmour to find a food plate background or a huge pea pod background for me to sit in, I think he realised that this was going to be a longer job that he had anticipated! We haven’t found such a background but we do have fish for the fish tank scene! I’ll hopefully have this recorded next week.
Mrs Davies has been using the upstairs library to take the Year 1 children for some separate learning time. She informed me that an interactive board would be ‘very handy’ up there. Always happy to help make a situation easier, we purchased a new portable board. Well…I’m thinking of selling tickets because the Odeon Cinema has nothing compared to this!
We are still collecting for Harvest and next week we are celebrating St.Francis and all things linking to creation and care for our world. The attached PowerPoint would be nice to share with your child in preparation for Monday.
Have a lovely weekend!