Ducks, beautiful poppies and poetry…
I have absolutely loved seeing the beautiful work for Remembrance. The children have sewn poppies, made poems with the most creative imagery and created some poignant reflections about the sacrifice the brave soldiers made for our freedom.
The children made stations around school for each bubble to visit and reflect upon the art work and it was wonderful to see the whole school engaging in such a meaningful way.
Friday, on the other hand, was a bit ridiculous! The moment you need technology to work (the live stream of the Children in Need Duck Race), it doesn’t. Mr Warren was eagerly waiting to teach music when it all took a turn for the worse-he hadn’t been told about the duck race!
Now, if any of you know a musician, you will know that they can be very precise with timings and Mr Warren is no exception! Music teachers have an incredibly hard job because their teachings depend on absolute organisation and resources ready at the finger tips. Teaching music has to be interactive, well prepared and pacy and Mr Warren is one of the most organised music teachers I have ever met. He is a gift to our school and we are grateful for his skills.
Faced with plastic ducks, encroaching on his teaching time was never going to go down well! Things took an even worse turn for the worse when Mr Gilmour had to stand at the screen holding an iPAD to mirror the duck race onto the board in Beacon Class because the live stream was blocked! They got even worse again when we told Mr Warren it would last for about 20 minutes and this was preceded with a 4 minute countdown! Disaster struck when Audrey Peckburn and Breddie Mercury got stuck mid race and all we could do was hold our hands in the air and laugh! The children had a great time and that is all that matters and we raised £220. Thank you! Mr Warren reported that the afternoon was organised chaos-it is a good job we approach things with good humour and friendly gest!
Here, you will see some pictures of Fairsnape children holding their plasticine teeth for the digestion topic.
I still remember the day, a couple of years ago now, when we had panic in the class because a child had brought her Grandad’s false teeth to school in a tub. Mrs Silvester was incredibly concerned that this was his only pair but, after a phone call home, all was given the go ahead! What a great learning experience!
We are currently planning our annual Advent Service in our cluster with Our Lady’s and our theme is joy. We are sharing the same theme with St.Mary’s and we have great plans for even more beautiful artwork. The Advent service will be streamed live-more information will follow soon.
Children are enjoying taking part in the virtual Preston Schools Sports Events. Each year group is virtually competing in a range of events-fingers crossed! Miss Taylor has just come into the office to tell us how lovely it is to hear the children supporting and praising each other-we really are blessed to have such considerate children.
We are, as always, keeping positive and cheerful, although we have had to close Beacon Class bubble. This is such a shame but unavoidable, as we are bound by the guidance from PHE. Beacon Class are doing some great things remotely and I am enjoying seeing their work on Seesaw daily. Keep it up children, you are stars and we can’t wait to see you back in school soon.
We thank you for your continued support.