Dru, Gru, Little Readers and Artists!
I think you will see why I decided to begin this blog with pictures! WOW!
The children in Beacon Class have absolutely amazed us with their incredible art skills. This art work all links in with the mythical creatures and legends from around the world topic and it has been wonderful to observe how enthused the children are. I don’t know about you, but I really feel this level of skill should be presented for Art College!
I heard some children read for the first time- from a great distance. Now, the thing with distance and new readers (when you are 4 years old) is that the two don’t go hand in hand. You really do need to be sat next to a little reader to remind them of certain things as they read and to keep them on track. Unfortunately, my office is full of interesting things children have made me in the past and it also has cards and pictures taken of me at my most ridiculous moments.
Now, a group of 3 children came to me with their books. They sat in their bubble and I sat far away, but close enough to hear them. Fingers at the ready and all was going well until the moment one of the boys burst into hysterics and the moment of calm and purposeful education quickly went out of the window! He spotted this…
Your senior leadership team! Yes, here we are-Mr Gilmour driving and me giving direction as we carry 500 bananas around Goosnargh.
We kept the picture up in the office to remind ourselves of one of our most memorable moments to date. After explaining the photo to the giggling children, they then went to explore my working wall in detail (all hope of reading had gone out of the window).
They then came to these pictures, which are the front covers to thank you cards we have received and kept. The wall also consists of a Laurel and Hardy postcard and of various other duos. I often feel like we are going up a creek-but at least on this picture we have paddles and we are ready to tackle anything that may come our way. The second card is quite a coincidence because feeling like a guinea pig is certainly one way of describing how I have sometimes felt during the past few months-yet we continue to drive forward with nothing standing in our way!
This current situation presents daily questions to find solutions to and we are doing it all with a happy heart because we are just so glad to be in school. I couldn’t wish for a better staff team. If you could see them in action day to day, you would be so proud of the people in school who care for your children and teach with such love. We are doing all we possibly can to distance, stay safe, clean, hand wash and stagger the day.
Classrooms and areas around school are looking amazing and we have some exciting new things on their way too. Miss Taylor isn’t always too happy with the fact that I have my own access to the education supplies online catalogue but my frequent saying that it is all about the children always appeases!
I just love the creativity of the class displays-they are such a celebration of learning. It really is humbling to see the children trying so hard and producing some magical learning moments.
We are in the process of arranging end of half term reporting procedures and we will let you know how this will be done very soon.
We are also exploring the safest way to collect for Harvest-our usual procedure is to collect food for local food banks so we will keep you posted via Seesaw. I must also thank our PTFA members and Tracey, who have already started brainstorming some wonderful ideas to raise money for school. The support and dedication is always welcome and I know you will be receiving information about some exciting fundraising ideas soon.
Thank you all, you know where we are if you need us.