Beautiful Work
Dear all,
This first half term has flown by and we are now looking forward to another.
I am delighted to tell you that Mrs. Silvester will be back in school on Tuesday – we have certainly missed her! Fairsnape Class parents will be contacted next week to arrange the Zoom parent meetings with Mrs.Silvester.
Some stunning things have been going on in school and it is such a shame that you cannot physically come into school yet to see them. I have my fingers crossed that we will be able to spend celebrations together again soon but we are doing everything possible to keep school open. I thank you all for your diligence in keeping safe and supporting us with our necessary systems.
We have plans for virtual music concerts and for our Nativities to be recorded in school and sent to you through Seesaw. Mr. Warren continues to teach curriculum music to all junior children and our new stave music exercise books have been ordered! The children will be getting used to using Musescore and Sibelius systems on our laptops- which we hope will lead to some future composers and musicians!
During the last week, some Jolly Post People came to see me with some letters. Well, I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw such amazing writing. The problems came when the children saw me putting up this display and they were quite concerned as the letters were all going to be posted to Snow White! It has been known that I will sometimes wear my Snow White costume on World Book Day (I now have a recurring cycle of 6 costumes) but I was feeling far from Snow White in our last week.
After the many final checks for school to be deep cleaned and new risk assessments ready for next half term, I had needed a bit of sparkle and joy from the children and this was it…
Here are the individually wrapped letters from Year 2 children and the Year 1 children even sewed their post bags together. All letters and post bags contain a letter and an amazing book- yes, the children are all authors and here are their beautiful pieces of work. Well done!
Children across all year groups have enjoyed space study and her are some example of work…amazing effort for homework too!
And now you will see the finished Beacon Class display….stunning!
Our Reception children give us so much joy with their delight in learning and ever developing skills. We can hardly believe that they have only been with us for one half term. It is a treat to hear them read and to see their eagerness in class. I always think it is a very hard job learning to read and write and to master number sense, especially when you are just 4 years old! Well done to all and well done for having confidence and making so many new friends.
Children, you are all shining stars. Congratulations for working so hard and making us smile every day. The whole staff team are very proud of you and of your sensible conduct during these slightly different times.
Enjoy the rest of your half term and look after each other.