What a super first term!
We had another exciting week at school. Yesterday was our school Christmas Dinner and today we had a magician and party! After much pressure, I finally agreed to the children wearing ‘sensible’ party clothes. When a child asked ‘what were sensible party clothes?’ I struggled to think of a quick enough answer. Seemingly, sensible party clothes in my opinion are ‘tights and no socks because it is too cold outside.’I was given a little snowman today by one of our infant children. When I read what mum was asked to scribe for the little girl it said ‘You are wonderful. I love you!’ It made me wonder what it was that children thought was wonderful in people or things and I can only think that it is the kindness and time you give to them. I remember the teachers I had as a little girl and some I will never forget. At our school we know that small things make a great difference-even when we think they are so minor they won’t even be noticed. As we break up tomorrow I urge you all to remember the little things that make a big difference-even if we think they don’t. In our school assemblies we talk about giving a simple smile can make somebody’s day.
The Key Stage 2 Advent Service was an overwhelming reminder of this. The community we have at St.Francis’ is so very special. Spiritually, we have been preparing ourselves for our Advent journey in class activities and prayer and liturgy. We have celebrated this holy season with our brilliant Reception, Year 1/2 Nativity and we were led by the junior classes in such a moving reflection in Church. There couldn’t have been a more fitting way to end the term. Merry Christmas everyone.