Welcome back!
It is wonderful to be back in school. We hope you all had a restful Summer break. As you will all understand, the first week back is always full of new routines for children, organising after school (and before school) clubs and making sure that our new children are settled and happy with the rest of the children. You will be sent a newsletter on Friday, which will provide you all with information about parent welcome meetings, curriculum topic maps, dates for your diary and other news. We are delighted to be able to provide a range of clubs before and after school. You will receive a form to sign and tick the clubs you want your child to attend. These will change half termly . Some are led by staff and others are led by experts. I am sure you can appreciate the logistics of organising before and after school clubs, which is why we will begin the following week.
Year 5 ‘Buddies’ are here for our new starters and we welcome new children to our school. We will be holding our annual ‘Welcome Assembly’ led by Year 6.
It has been a great start for some new Pre-School children and we thank one of our Pre-School parents for building us a new sandpit and stage.
As your children settle into new year groups, please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s class teacher, or any other member of staff, should you have any queries or questions.