Seriously…it wasn’t boiled!
Today, Father Sony came to see Beacon Class and Mrs Kerr has been up to her old science tricks again! Father Sony came outside to do morning playground duty with me and all ran calmly and smoothly. Children were playing beautifully together and some were arriving with pretty handheld baskets or other exciting looking containers. A pumpkin passed me on my way out of the door and children were smiling. Mrs Kerr was smiling, as were all staff outside.
The children came in and I took Father Sony to Beacon Class-only to find a problem in the corridor. A rather worried looking pupil was panicking as others looked on not knowing what to do. It was then when it started to seep! When I got to the root of the problem, Mrs Kerr’s class had been undertaking another egg experiment. I was lucky (!) to have caught the broken and unboiled egg just in time for the pupil to stop being upset. I managed to get to the sink in Fairsnape Class relatively quickly, but my dress did need a quick wipe down. Mrs Kerr and Mrs B-M found this all very funny but you know that this is all very typical at St.Francis’!
And then I saw my lunch…
I removed the foil and uncovered my plate to find this…
I think it was a sign from above telling me to smile. I am not sure if Mrs Keenan created this smiling masterpiece on purpose but it did the job! The sausages were great!
I found some recent pictures that made me smile. I am sure you will agree that this has been a busy half term so far. We had a wonderful St.Francis Mass yesterday and the whole day was filled with creation workshops. Mr. Gilmour has added pictures to the RE section regarding the feast day.
We have an INSET day tomorrow. Have a lovely weekend. I do hope to see you all on Sunday for Family Mass.