With so much online learning-especially at the moment, please ensure you remember to keep safe online. Here is some useful advice and information:
It’s easy for a child to come across harmful content online whether by accident or on purpose. Internet filtering software is your line of defence. Here’s everything you need to know about internet controls in a handy guide, covering router filtering controls, parental software controls, ISP filtering controls and useful recommendations. Please click the link:Parents-guide-to-internet-controls
Lots of information to support parents can be found at internetmatters.org. They provide online resources and advice to support and help families adjusting to a “new normal” following the measures taken to stop the spread of coronavirus. This dedicated space provides expert advice, resources and tools to make the best use of tech.
On this website, you will find support and information for every area of online safety you can think of. Click on the example information below:Internet-Matters-Guide-Digital-Diet-Balancing-Screen-time
It is so important that we understand how to keep ourselves safe. We need to keep safe online, whilst we are out and about and help each other to be safe and happy. We have theme weeks eg Anti-Bullyng Week, Black History Month, Water Safety, Road Safety, Stranger Danger, Pantasaurus, Mini-Medics and much more. Parent information evenings are led by children. Have a look at some helpful poster below.
We are always here to help and we teach keeping safe in a variety of ways throughout our whole school year and in all aspects of our curriculum. Our world is such a wonderful place of diversity and we celebrate this and accept each other. We must be kind to each other and to animals as stewards of creation. Use our hands and voices for doing good. A smile costs nothing and will make someone’s day. If someone isn’t treating you in the way in which you would like to be treated, always tell an adult you trust. If you ever feel unsafe, uncomfortable or worried, speak to a family member you trust or any adult in school.
Computing Click on the link to find out about Online Safety. We have a new app coming soon.
Have a look at some of the exciting events we have held so far…
Let’s be kind, considerate, thoughtful and helpful. Jesus taught us to ‘LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU’ and this is what we keep in our hearts.