There are a number of good websites that can assist with your child’s learning. These are listed below. Please click on the hyperlink to be taken straight to the website you wish to visit. These will be constantly updated over the half term.
Please encourage your child to go on PRODIGY MATHS, TT ROCKSTARS AND PURPLE MASH. Your children are all given passwords and these games are fantastic and fun.
We Early Years Foundation Stage websites:
OxfordOwl -Learning to read and spell
Phonicsplay– Fantastic resource/online games for all phases of letters and sounds
Letters and Sounds information and resources
ICT Games-high frequency words
phonics-letter sounds
Letter sounds-letter sounds
bbc schools -simple addition
ICT Games -counting
CBeebies -stories and interactive activities
Here are some useful tips to keep learning at home.
Key Stage 1 websites:
OxfordOwl – Reading,phonics and spelling resources
Phonics play– Real words or alien words? Get ready for the Phonics Screening test.
Letters and Sounds – Resources and useful information for all phonics phases.
ict games spellings, words and phonics games
ict games key words
Bitesize phonics games
ict games money games
ict games number bonds
Bitesize -place value games maths
Primarygames -number square splat
Bitesize -ordering numbers
Primaryresources maths games and activities
Key Stage 2 websites:
primary resources-French:numbers,colours,animals,time,weather,food etc
primaryresources Plurals activities for spelling
BBC Education All English and Maths area of learning
ict resources lots of interactive english and maths games
ict games times tables
Bitesize -more times tables
Check out Beacon Class webpage for helpful powerpoints on Maths and English.