An appeal on behalf of our children…
Dear all,
We are in need of developing our outdoors area. This area will be used by children in breakfast and after school club, baby and toddler groups (which will hopefully start soon in school), all children in the school and children of the Parish on a Sunday. It will not be restricted to infants only. We hope that this will be at the back of Father’s garden, where the EYFS and infant outdoor access areas already are. The fenced in space for Pendle Class is limiting and is simply not big enough. We would turn that space into one big messy play area and the Pre-School children would share this communal area too. We use all school grounds for outdoor learning but the children deserve even better. Big ideas need to be put into reality for all of our children and we need help. Behind Father’s garden is a huge space and our children deserve the very best. We want to have outdoor art spaces and create zones for messy play, bird watching, physical development and everything that is creative! A few years ago, Mrs Kerr visited Melbourne to explore and learn about their outdoor spaces and the pictures are incredible. I will put some of these pictures on another post for you to see our vision. Our outdoors are beautiful and we want to create natural areas in keeping with school. There are a few examples below of projects other schools have completed. I have put a bid in for The National Lottery in hope we are granted £10,000. The last bid I put in was refused due to where our school is located. We were told that not enough people from the community would benefit from this for it to go ahead. If our new bid is successful, the entrance to after school/ breakfast club will be through this new area and not through school anymore. They will use this as their outdoor space daily. We will have lighting and seating areas in this space for all to enjoy. The PTFA are supportive of this and I hope that you will all understand how much this is needed to move our school forwards for our children. When we created the Pre-School secure entrance, I could not extend this space any more than it is due to the oil tanker that needs access to the back of Church. This is why the Pre-School space is situated where it is. It would be wonderful for them to use a rich and diverse learning area close to their classroom.
Here are just a few ideas. We would obviously not double up on apparatus we already have but we are sure you will agree the surfacing would set the tone for the zoned areas. I envisage a colourful path replacing the path behind the greenhouse. The grass will remain where it is and natural beauty will not be altered at all. We want to add to this to enhance the area. I need you to use your imagination with these ideas. Once we have the money to transform the area, I will put plans out to consultation and you can all contribute to the finished ideas. I welcome any fundraising ideas you may have. This is urgent for our school and I write this with our children’s best interests at heart. Support you can offer will be gratefully received.